Feathered Quill Interview with Kathy Stickles
August 17, 2023
Three Books
August 31, 2023

Secret Sauce

Photo by Ivan Oboelnsky

There is a lot of talk that AI will surpass humans and then supplant us. This is possible given the calculating ability of a supercomputer, but we humans have two tricks up our sleeve that haven’t been mentioned. The two are ESP and intuition. Granted, given enough data and calculating power, a supercomputer might give the appearance of having ESP or intuition, but would it be actually doing either?

It is certainly true that these faculties exist at the edges of what is considered normal, but then again is Artificial Intelligence really normal? Why would humans create AI in the first place?

Technological need might be an answer. Profit margins could be another. Consider this, by removing the cost of human labor, a great expense has been removed. Besides, machines don’t sleep or take vacations. They never complain. In addition, there has been a trend toward financialization, or the turning of anything into a commodity to be bought and sold. Everything about humans is sellable in a market somewhere. What is interesting to me is that the difference between a human viewed as merely a commodity or something much more, lies in our ability to do extraordinary things with our minds.

Many scientists believe ESP to be false because it can’t be detected, let alone explained, and yet over half of the population of the USA believes it exists. Many have experienced ESP in one form or another and are convinced. Perhaps, in the competition of human vs. machines, this edge will prove decisive? Besides, why would world governments spend so much time and resources trying to develop it if there was nothing there to begin with?

From the research I’ve seen, some people have extraordinary ESP abilities, while others not so much—but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist or can’t be developed.

If you feel intimidated by technology and concerned about our future, I can understand. Supercomputers do exist; but we can make use of search engines, and books are still available. Perhaps we pesky humans should do some research and develop our own innate “super” powers. Maybe they’ve been there all along, and it’s time we do a little flexing.

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