It has been a long time since I have been so enchanted by an audiobook. The experience of this story in narration occasionally hearkened back to the BBC Radio plays I used to enjoy, then at others I felt like I was back at Broadway, watching the two-man shows that used a minimum of staging. Then again, it was something I could not put an equal to, briefly gruesome and scary, then warm, hilarious, and tender. I had to stop listening late at night in case my sudden laughter would wake my neighbors, yet I also went through half a box of tissues, swept between variations of crying from being touched to recognizing a sort of loneliness that I had not been able to name until it was presented to me. It reminded me of "The Great Earth" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude" in the ways that I discovered a world so different to mine, yet so intimate it felt like I was coming home to myself.