Cucumber Soup
August 26, 2017
Scotch Broth
August 25, 2017
Preheat broiler.

Spread one side of 16 baguette bread slices (⅓-inch-thick cut diagonally) with 2 TBS unsalted butter, then arrange slices, buttered sides up, on a baking sheet. Broil 4 to 6 inches from heat until golden brown, 1 to 4 minutes.

Melt 1 TBS unsalted butter in a 1-quart heavy saucepan over low heat, then add 1 TBS flour and cook, whisking constantly, for 1 minute. Then while continuing to whisk, add ½ cup porter beer or ale and ¼ cup whole milk in a stream, whisking. Then add 1 tsp dry mustard, ⅛ tsp black pepper, and 6 ounces extra-sharp cheddar, coarsely grated (about 1½ cups). Bring to a simmer over moderately low heat, whisking, then simmer, whisking, until smooth, about 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and immediately whisk in the yolk of one egg. Serve cheese sauce on toast.